contributed talk at the 7th Users' conference of IT4Innovations in Ostrava, Czechia.

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Atomistic simulations of ancient ribosomes and their parts

Michal H. Kolář

Bing via DALL-E 3: ribosome predecessor synthesizing a protein in the premordial soup of molecules, black-white line art with blue details, dark background.

Mechanism of amino acid polymerization as occured more than 3.5 billion years ago

23-05557S, 23-05764S
Hlouchová group

Protein Synthesis: Pre-Attack

peptide bond formation

Protein Synthesis: Bonds Re-Arrangement

peptide bond formation

Protein Synthesis: Product State

peptide bond formation

Ribosome evolution

Petrov et al. 2015, PMID: 26621738

big protoribosome: 610 nucleotides

tunnel view

tRNA view

small protoribosome: 134 nucleotides

tunnel view

tRNA view

Summary of simulated systems

big protoribosome (ca 365,000 atoms)

rRNA + peptides

small protoribosome (ca 136,000 atoms)

rRNA + pL2
rRNA + pL3
rRNA + pL4
rRNA + pL2 + pL3 + pL4

Technical setup

  • classical all-atom MD simulations in GROMACS
  • Amber family of force fields + SPC/E water + JC ions
  • three independent unbiased trajectories 1.1 μs each


  • open source code
  • mixed openMP/MPI parallelization
  • optional GPU accelleration

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Peptides stabilize ancestral ribosomal RNA (and promote protoribosome aggregation).

Atomistic simulations of ancient ribosomes and their parts

Michal H. Kolář